Current Occupation
In which field did you carry out your research for your PhD and what was your specific area of study?
- Electrical and Computer Engineering. My research is on Electromagnetic nondestructive testing of Ultrahigh performance concrete.
Please give a brief description of the work you completed in France.
- I was able to characterize magnetic anisotropy in steel fiber reinforced resin using electromagnetic method.
How was your experience as a researcher in France?
- My experience as a researcher was great, I was given opportunities to express my creativity and was given the resources needed to carry out my research.
Comments on your experience as a researcher in France and conditions in your host lab
- My host lab was very accommodating and great to work in. The researchers are very helpful and knowledgeable.
Did you or will your research lead to any co-publications
- Yes, we are working on a couple publications
If yes, please describe
- We are working on getting our work published in some top tier journals.
Did you or one of your supervisors present your work at a seminar? Do you plan on doing so?
- I presented my work in front of a mixed audience, where some were familiar with my work and others had no clue.
If yes, please describe (name of seminar, date, type of presentation):
- It was a companywide presentation.
In your opinion, did the Chateaubriand Program contribute to closer ties between your US and French labs (why or why not)?
- Yes, we are working on some collaborations.
Did you improve your French while in France?
- I improved my French a little bit by having day to day conversations with my peers. Even though most of our communications was in English.
Do you plan on returning to France in the future?
If yes, please describe your plans:
- I am looking forward to possible research opportunities in France, or at least go back and say hi to the friends I made while in France.
Did you participate in any extracurricular activities or travel while in France?
- Yes, I did a lot of traveling in and outside France. I visited at least 4 other countries. I also had the opportunity to attend some French culture immersion events. The landlady of the house I stayed upon arrival in France also helped me understand more about the French culture.